The beautiful country of Ecuador has it all: the ocean, the mountains, and the Amazon. With such a biodiverse country comes lots of possibilities. The country takes advantage of its landscape which is why the agricultural sector employs the second largest group of people behind oil. Fishing is another main industry in Ecuador. Of the nearly 900,000 businesses in Ecuador, about 90% of them are microenterprises, making up 60% of all jobs in Ecuador. Therefore it is necessary to support these small businesses to ensure the economy of Ecuador continues to grow. Indigenous people make up 6.3% of the population and they often face difficulties. For example, due to the effects of the coronavirus more than 20% of the population lives under the poverty line, but this number reaches upward of 65% among indigenous populations. This is why WCCN works with partners to support low-income, vulnerable populations.
Partner Since 2010
Espoir’s mission is to contribute to the economic growth, social development, and the health of women entrepreneurs and their families. With 63,090 current loans to poor micro-enterprises in Ecuador, and 80% of those loans to women, their impact in small agricultural loans and solidarity is strong, and growing.
Partner Since 2019
The Foundation of Community and Social Support of Ecuador, or FACES, has contributed to social and economic improvement in the North and South Region of Ecuador since 1991. A former long time partner of WCCN, we are excited to once again partner with FACES. The organization works for the development of lower-income social groups, especially those in situations of vulnerability and exclusion due to different gender, age, physical and intellectual abilities, ethnicity or geographical location. Of their 19,901 clients, 55% are women and 66% live in rural areas.

Partner Since 2010
The Institute of Social, Economic and Technological Research (INSOTEC) is a non-profit founded in 1980 as an institute of applied research and training on micro-enterprise development in Ecuador. Currently, INSOTEC has branches in Quito, Ambato, Riobamba, Pelileo and Santo Domingo de los Colorados. Beyond traditional micro-loan services, these branches also offer health clinics focused on women's health. INSOTEC plans to expand upon its 5,500 member base to offer microfinance services to rural areas in the northwest, coastal region of Ecuador.